Help us promote the Rosary and Scapular Prayers in several ways

(1) Pray for us & our work.

(2) Help Promote this website

Copy and Paste this banner code into your website or blog (where allowed):

 <p><a href="" target="_blank"><img
src=" " alt="" width=566 height=126 border="0" v:shapes="Picture_x0020_0"></a></p>

The resulting banner will look like this:


OR (smaller version):

Copy and Paste this banner code into your website or blog (where allowed):

<p><a href="" target="_blank"><img
src=" " alt="" width=170 height=61 border="0" v:shapes="Picture_x0020_0"></a></p>

The resulting banner will look like this:

(3) Promote this devotion:

Share our website with your family and friends. Tell others about it.
Give us your feedback, comments or suggestions at

God Bless you and yours.